The Great UK Investment Questionaire has now merged with Matchmakers for even better leads
Investment Survey Exit Ads
Targeting Investor and Finance audiences, pre-engaged with online surveys, and skyrocket your Lead Engagement & Quality
How it works ?
Real users fill out themed online surveys
When they finish, we match audience profile and advertiser's offer
Why use Survey Exit ads with Investment Match Makers
Investor Targeting
Our Surveys as the right questions to targeted people who have a desire for Finance and Investments.
Quality audience for higher ROI
This means the multi-tier surveys filter the people who want to learn more about your investment product.
STEP 1: Survey Targeting
Match Makers incorporating The Great UK Investment Questionaire, place the questions in front of an audience interested in Investments and Financial Producrs
STEP 2: The Correct Questions
Once a person starts our questionaire the questions direct them to the correct offer. If they are Real Estate investors they will be directed to a Real Estate Product
STEP 3: Your landing page
At the end of the question, using AI and Algorithms the person will be sent to your landing page. Here they can read all about your offer and sign up to be contacted.
STEP 4: The Decision
If the person decides not to sign up, they will be retargeted via our many platforms to bring them back to the page and read one more time
STEP 5: Your Lead Arrives
The person completes the form and your sales team receive not only a targeted lead but a lead that is highly qualified.
Contact our team today
Disclaimer: Any person accessing this website or page and considering potential investment opportunities featured here, should make their own commercial assessment of an investment opportunity after seeking the advice of an appropriately authorised or regulated financial advisor. This website or page should not be construed as advice or a personal recommendation to any prospective investor. Investments of this nature carry risks to your capital and can go up or down. Past performance is not indicative of future results. Suitable appropriately qualified investors, sophisticated and high net worth investors only.